Not dead

Hello everybody… I’m here… Not dead just busy, then had a wonderful long 2 week vacation and then I’ve been sick with a cold that won’t leave my body!

I gained 7 pounds on said vacation and already lost it… (whew) … I am still in the fight but once I get to a certain weight I just get stuck there!

Everything else has been good… hubby’s writing a book, I am back to Bible Study, girls are both big and in Awana (cubbies and sparkies) in church and I just can’t wait to just be healthy to get back to running (I did and got worse so I am waiting to get better)

I’m here though… I’m here! vacation was wonderful and active (camping, apple picking, lots of walking and hiking) but still managed to get big and bloated because I wasn’t drinking as much water (bathrooms weren’t as accessible and also spent lots of time on the road)… over 1600 miles were driven and thankfully we’re back home!

I’ve been receiving notifications of the posts my fellow bloggers/friends have been posting!

Shadow: WOW! all those changes going on! I know a thing or two about moving and it’s exhausting! Only you could do so much! BTW… You can send the kite my way … the girls would love it! LOL! 😉

Jackie: Continue to admire your determination and attitude… finding always the good in the midst of it all! Don’t care about the labels… In my mind the only labels that apply to you are those that define such a strong, joyful, kind woman!

Dave: Keep on keepin’ on! Don’t stop running!!!

THL: you still there???

The Thin Lady Inside

I can’t believe it’s been so long…

Hello everybody! I am back and everything seems to have changed on my wordpress dashboard! I apologize for taking so long to write an update or to do some “blog-hopping” it’s just been really busy here… just little things like our rent going up, not being able to buy a house just yet and me trying to find some online jobs to do… like … translating jobs or something… I spend my days looking for coupons and/or jobs … I know I am good at translating (not just good… I’m pretty awesome 😀 ) but all the sites to do jobs (like they are obviously open to the world and there are other freelancers in other countries that are willing to do “the job” almost for free… and it’s just not worth it for me… so… the coupons are more like it I guess… I want to feel like I contribute somehow but we have it very clear that I want to stay home with my little ones… so… that’s part of what’s been going on here… I continue to do whatever I do to watch my weight… I watch it… a lot… I watch it go up a little and then down a little… I had to quit FMD because it was too expensive to do everything organic… and I felt like I was eating our whole refrigerator with all the vegetable and fruits I had to eat … so… back to Trim Healthy Mama and hoping that the FMD (Fast Metabolism Diet) helped me a little to get my metabolism going and hopefully see results on THM…. I continue running every morning and that’s about it… Just wanted togive a quick update as to why I haven’t been around… and also wanted to share this picture that a friend shared on fb… I thought it was really cute… so I am sharing but I am not claiming any kind of rights whatsoever over it… it’s not mine… I am not sure who is the original owner, if you know the source please let me know so I can give proper credit where it’s due…

fatI’ll be around…

The Thin Lady Inside

It is happening!

Hello everybody! How are you doing? I am thrilled to announce that struggling and all I’ve lost 10 pounds since I went and visited that horrible Natural Health Center in April…. I remember that as “the date” because it was a very low point in my journey… you can read about it here … If you’ve been following my blog then you know I started at 222.8  pounds (2 and a half years ago)… reached172.8 (50 pounds less) after a few months and then I didn’t seem to be able to go any lower… then it turns out I gained a lot of weight for what seems hormones/stress issues (December 2013) and then in April this year I found out I was 194 pounds!! horrible! I gained 22 pounds back! but Friday I weighed myself and even when I haven’t seen my weight go “dramatically down” I saw the number and it was 184 and that’s when it actually hit me! Yes… I am still heavier than what I had already reached… BUT… I HAVE LOST 10 POUNDS in about 5-6 weeks which is pretty good!!! Yes I’ve struggled but I am just happy to see some changes! I continue to not weigh everyday and I am happy I am at peace with it but it for sure was a nice surprise to see that!

I continue to do great and I am back to running in the mornings (just not as early and just making sure I eat something -a snack- before I run) … It’s harder to run but my friend and I are doing it and we’re planning on doing another 5k in September… today we went for 3.45 miles but ran only 1.3 miles out of those… Feeling good though!

Saturday I walked/ran in the morning and then it was an active day picking blueberries with my family… it’s been quite active around here in the pool and doing fun activities like that… I am sure that also helps reduce any stress/cortisol levels and in consequence aids my weight loss! Yeah! WIN/WIN!

Have a great week everyone!

The Thin Lady Inside

Day 1 of many, many, many!

Hello everybody! Here I am … so … as you know (if you’ve read my previous posts) I decided to give the Fast Metabolism Diet by Haylie Pomroy a try! The Fast Metabolism Diet, as I probably already explained before, is a plan that consists of 3 phases that you have to repeat until you complete 28 days to heal your metabolism and in consequence reach your desired weight goal… of course if your metabolism is more damaged and/or have way more weight to lose then you just “rinse and repeat” pretty much… so you do the plan again for 28 more days and again and again if necessary…. So… having 28 days to go through was cool… you know? I like to set goals for myself, etc… But I guess I have other issues to deal with (like sabotaging myself and fear of success) … day 25 proved harder than I thought… being so close to day 28 added extra stress for me and it seemed (for some reason) unbearable! it was such a weird feeling “being so close” to the end of the 28 days made me feel so anxious and made it feel too far!!! Phase 2 is the hardest of the 3 phases and for me Phase 2 is always on Wednesdays and Thursdays … so … that Thursday I decided to just skip Phase 2 and move on to Phase 3 … So I pretty much didn’t finish strong, as Phases shouldn’t be skipped at all! I still lost 4 pounds on my 28 days which is not a lot by any sense of the imagination, especially on this plan where most people seem to just LITERALLY DROP the pounds right away! But for me is a huge accomplishment since the scale has been really mean to me for a long time no matter what I did… losing 4 pounds definitely means a lot and is a first step on the right direction… So… I decided to continue with the FMD until I reach my weight goals BUT this time I decided to forget about the “28 day” thing and just know that this is going to be a loooooong journey which I will only be able to go through ONE DAY AT A TIME…. So… I ripped my calendar and it feels good to not have a “set date” (for me) … I guess it’s all about finding out what works for yourself and having a specific date, for me, was too much pressure and added feelings of failure and disappointment to reach a date where I was supposed to lose up to 20 pounds and made my accomplishment look like “nothing”…

So… on other news and with a new found sense of accomplishment… I have decided to give myself some credit… Today I celebrate that “I am HERE!” 🙂 Many would’ve given up by now… and I’ve decided to celebrate the fact that I am not where I started 2 1/2 years ago! I’ve had bumps (big ones) on this road, I’ve shed pounds and I’ve shed tears (mostly tears than pounds) but I haven’t quit! I am still lighter than when I started… and still fighting…  I haven’t lost all hope and I know there’s no going back to “not caring” 🙂 I CARE! 😀

So… yes… 🙂 Lots to feel proud of 😀

The Thin Lady Inside

Day 17

Hello everybody!  Today is day 17 of the 28 days of the Fast Metabolism Diet… as I have already mentioned, this diet is supposed to heal your metabolism in 28 days but, every metabolism is different and some have more weight to lose than others so if you haven’t lost all the weight you need to lose in these 28 days you just repeat the whole thing all over again (and as many times as necessary), after that period of time then you can choose to incorporate some ingredients that are not allowed during this process or you can choose that you enjoyed the “feeling of good health” so much that you just “leave them out” … now… if you choose to incorporate some ingredients (like I will, in the case of dairy) the recommendation is to choose the organic kind and to avoid “overdoing” it… so… I will follow those recommendations for sure!

So… my first week on this diet I lost 2 pounds… YAY! … I was all impatient so I weighed myself again before week 2 ended… and I lost 2 more pounds (YAY!!!) so… 4 pounds lost, right? Awesomeness… Then… by the end of week 2 I weighed myself again and it turns out I gained 1.3 pounds so I thought “huh” but didn’t think more of it because I know it’s not that much to even think it’s real weight, it might just be liquid or whatever, right? well… I am midway week 3 and I actually saw the measuring tape move a little bit but not to the right side so I weighed myself and I gained 1.5 more pounds… interesting… So you could say that I have only lost 1.2 pounds total -sigh-… and that’s if the scale doesn’t keep going up…

Anyway… I know I should throw the stupid scale away especially if it is going to affect me… I still trust this method so I am choosing not to care too much about it… some other people in the group have reported weight gain on week 2 as well so I guess I’m not the only one… I am still hopeful about all of this but maybe the fact that I am on P2 (Phase 2) doesn’t help (phase 2 are Wednesdays and Thursdays where the diet gets really hard! but Friday, Saturday and Sunday are amazing so I keep telling myself that it’s just TWO DAYS! JUST TWO DAYS!)

So… I just wanted to give you all an update on how I am doing… I have been doing this to the “T” so I hope it will eventually pay off!

The Thin Lady Inside