No Scale Project – Day 5


Hello everyone! I hope you had a Good Thursday! Here I am … with my No Scale Project! It’s day 5 and basically today was a very, very easy day! Hubby took the day off today and we headed to the beach! ah! the beach! I loved it! I was a little nervous about missing the “chips and soda” that are like a “staple” when going to the beach (at least for me) … But I packed some sandwiches, green salad, some fresh cheese (I love “queso Panela”), cucumbers, snacks for the girls, orange juice for hubby (which we didn’t even drink) and lots of water….

I loved it! I soooo loved it! I did NOT miss at all feeling all heavy and bloated from too much eating or drinking soda… I was happy and energetic… and I loved the feeling, I realized you actually enjoy more THAT WAY than sitting and munching on greasy snacks and pounding tons of a fussy, sugary, syrupy liquid down your throat!

Here I am with hubby and my littlest one… my 3 yr. old took the pic so obviously she is not there.

After our day at the beach we stopped at Subway and I had a delicious sub with lots of veggies and no mayo or dressing, just mustard and of course more water… So I stayed active today and obviously did not weigh myself… I feel like it was “cheating” since I wasn’t even at home with the temptation of getting on the scale or anything like that… But I guess it still counts… I did NOT weigh myself…

So… there you go! 🙂 Day 5 – Completed!

The Thin Lady Inside